Chemical signals associated with life inhibit necrophoresis in

May 19 2009 colony members from the nest) is a characteristic behavior ... Responses of Argentine ant workers to dead ants and inanimate objects.

Chemical signals associated with life inhibit necrophoresis in

May 19 2009 colony members from the nest) is a characteristic behavior ... Responses of Argentine ant workers to dead ants and inanimate objects.


(1930) cited the occurrence of necrophoric behavior in the ant Solenopsis the nomadic species of Eciton

Encounter Rate and Task Allocation in Harvester Ants

In the field harvester ant colonies maintain a refuse pile

Interactions between worker ants may influence the growth of ant

that the corpse-carrying behaviour of worker ants might be influenced by ants can cause the formation of piles of dead ants known as ant cemeteries.

Snatching Prey from the Mandibles of Ants a Feeding Tactic

ants in the column and maintaining fixation on the ant by turning its body while the ant plant material and 2 carrying a dead conspecific ant worker; M.

Predation behaviour of Myopopone castaneae SMITH ants against

Jan 12 2022 Moreover

Encounter Rate and Task Allocation in Harvester Ants

Jul 1 1998 midden work

Caste-biased Polyethism in a Mound-building Ant Species

Caste strongly influenced occupational repertoires of the ants. Re- pairing the nest carrying dead conspecifics and bringing in prey were performed 

Managing Structure- Invading Ants

Behavior. Ants are social insects. Their nests or colonies can be found indoors and out; weather ant colonies whose nesting areas are flooded or.