International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011

Most education systems provide several possible pathways from ISCED level 0/1 to 8 (see Figure 2 in Annex I). Individuals can arrange their educational pathways 

Ten Steps to Equity in Education

education systems? FIGURE 2. HOW MANY. STUDENTS STRUGGLE. WITH READING1. Percentage of students below and at Level 1 of proficiency in the OECD.

Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged

looks into system level and school level policies to promote equity and quality. It also Equity in education can be defined in many different ways.


8 ???. 2017 ?. In decentralised systems multiple levels of governance can result either in many layers in the implementation channels

education system in the uk -

Across the UK there are five stages of education: early years primary

Education in China: A Snapshot

overview of how China's education system is organised and operates and how reforms


performance of the education systems in the 34 OECD member countries as well as a In 2012

3. What is educations impact on civic and social engagement?

political actor from the man who has achieved a higher level of education. Owing to the varying educational systems across the nations included in the ...

Classifying Educational Programmes: Manual for ISCED-97

categories for the levels of education is far from trivial since it involves the “valuation” of educational activities in very different educational systems 

The Australian Education System - Foundation level

higher education qualifications into a single national system allowing easy movement from one level of study to another and between institutions.

[PDF] Education System Strengthening

In very broad terms education systems range across a number of basic types: In highly centralised systems power and control over resources is at the centre 

[PDF] The learning environment and organisation of schools - OECD

1 presents an overview of compulsory education in the different countries by showing the number of years of compulsory education by level of education – for the 


General achievement standards shall be determined based on the overall education and pedagogy outcomes according to different levels cycles and types of 

[PDF] Moroccan Educational System National report - MERIC-net

The higher education system in Morocco includes various types of higher education institutions depending on the nature of the curriculum academic or vocational 

[PDF] Education System in India - RAIJMR

India's education system is divided into different levels such as pre-primary level primary level elementary education secondary education undergraduate 

[PDF] The Australian Education System - Foundation level

1 primary school: seven or eight years starting at Foundation (also called kindergarten/preparatory/pre-school) through to Year 6 or 7 2 secondary school: 

[PDF] The Structure of the European Education Systems 2018/19

This report focuses on the structure of mainstream education in European countries from pre- primary to tertiary level for the 2018/19 school and academic 

Chapter 4 Co-ordinating educational levels and sectors to improve

The way in which school systems organise different levels sectors and programmes of education affects how children and families engage with and transition

[PDF] education system in the uk - govuk

Across the UK there are five stages of education: early years primary secondary Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE)


It is responsible for establishing and administering public nursery schools (including special nursery schools) primary schools and lower-secondary schools

In very broad terms, education systems range across a number of basic types: In highly centralised systems, power and control over resources is at the centre