WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic


Bans on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship

of tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship (TAPS)

The Impact of Tobacco Advertising Promotion


Banning toBacco advertising promotion and sponsorship

8 janv. 2013 section 1. What are toBacco advertising promotion and sponsorship? section 2 the toBacco industry uses all possiBle promotional channels.

UK Tobacco Advertising and Promotion

Most forms of tobacco advertising and promotion in the UK were banned following the implementation of the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002 (TAPA).

Bans on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship in the

Banning tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship is an obligation under. Article 13 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).

Tobacco adverTising and PromoTion

1 févr. 2011 industry argument: Tobacco advertising promotion

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002

7 nov. 2002 In this Act—. “tobacco advertisement” means an advertisement—. (a) whose purpose is to promote a tobacco product or. (b) whose effect is to do ...


A ban on tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship is effective only if it has a broad scope. Contemporary marketing communication involves an integrated 

Tobacco Control in Practice Article 13: Tobacco advertising

Convention on Tobacco Control in the WHO European Region. Article 13: Tobacco advertising promotion and sponsorship