maptools: Tools for Handling Spatial Objects

Package 'maptools'. April 17 2022. Version 1.1-4. Date 2022-04-18. Title Tools for Handling Spatial Objects. Encoding UTF-8. Depends R (>= 2.10) 

Introduction to visualising spatial data in R

This tutorial is an introduction to analysing spatial data in R specifically through map-making with R's maptools: provides various mapping functions.

Reading shapefiles into R for use with the overlapptest package

15 ??? 2021 geom. 3.1 Read shapefiles using rgdal and maptools. Here's how to read shapefile data. 1. ensure that the package ...

Applications using R for mapping water quality data in South Africa

visual reporting methods for South African water quality monitoring data mainly using R with packages such as maptools

maptools: Tools for Handling Spatial Objects

Package 'maptools'. April 17 2022. Version 1.1-4. Date 2022-04-18. Title Tools for Handling Spatial Objects. Encoding UTF-8. Depends R (>= 2.10) 

Combining Spatial Data*

originally read into R from shapefiles published by the US Census. function2 in the maptools package also used for dissolving or merging polygons but.

Package maptools

Package 'maptools'. December 1 2019. Version 0.9-9. Date 2019-12-01. Title Tools for Handling Spatial Objects. Encoding UTF-8. Depends R (>= 2.10) 

ggmap: Spatial Visualization with ggplot2

Package cleangeo

17 ??? 2021 Depends R (>= 2.15) rgeos

Auxiliary Cartographic Functions in R: North Arrow Scale Bar