Guide on Article 11 - Freedom of assembly and association

Nov 19 2019 ii. Narrow margin of appreciation for a general ban on assembly . ... the case-law on Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

European Convention on Human Rights

11. 14 and 15 supplemented by Protocols Nos. 1

Guide on the case-law - Mass protests

Nov 19 2019 European Court of Human Rights. 2/49. Last update: 31.08.2022 ... See Guide on Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights: ...

The exceptions to Articles 8-11 of the European Convention on

19 They were there- fore

List of cases selected for publication in Reports of Judgments and

May 12 2015 11. 1. List approved by the Bureau following recommendation by the Court's Jurisconsult. 2. Article 44 § 2 of the Convention provides:.

Guide on Article 10 - Freedom of expression

Oct 6 2020 Council of Europe/European Court of Human Rights

Factsheet – Political parties and associations

Jan 30 1998 Under the European Court of Human Rights' case-law


upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions shall be following Section II of the Convention (Articles 19 to 51):.

protocol no. 7 to the convention for the protection of human rights

Nov 1 1998 11. Strasbourg

HUDOC: List of Keywords Article by Article

European Convention on Human Rights . Article 11 . ... HUDOC: List of Keywords Article by Article. - 2/23 -. Article 33 (former Article 24) .