956 - Appointment of a registered migration agent legal practitioner

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 2022. Appointment of a registered migration agent

956A - Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient

you are appointing a registered migration agent. Australian legal practitioner or exempt person to provide you with immigration assistance and they will also.

Code of Conduct for registered migration agents

However a registered migration agent operating as an agent in a country other than Australia will not be taken to have failed to comply with the Code if 

1008 - Application for Bridging visa E - subclass 050

the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration assistance. If operating in Australia migration agents must be 

931 - Application for an Australian Declaratory visa

A registered migration agent is a person who is registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration 

1006 - Application for a Bridging visa B

the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration assistance. If operating in Australia migration agents must be 

1010 - Survey of Business Skills visa holders

the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration assistance. If operating in Australia migration agents must be 

424A - Request for access to documents or information

please visit the National Archives of Australia 'ask a question' If you change your nominated friend or migration agent for your.

1000 - Nomination for Global Talent

the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration assistance. If operating in Australia migration agents must be 

1149 - Application for sponsorship for Sponsored Family Visitors

the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. (OMARA) to provide immigration assistance. If operating in Australia migration agents must be