Debt Deficits

Large Shareholders and Corporate Control - Andrei Shleifer; Robert

26 mai 2003 Publisher contact information may be obtained at The Journal of Political Economy. ©1986 The ...

The Origins of Savings Behavior Henrik Cronqvist Stephan Siegel

ogy Johns Hopkins University

Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on

[Journal of Political Economy 2005

How Much Is a Seat on the Security Council Worth? Foreign Aid and

[ Journal of Political Economy 2006

Enjoying the Quiet Life? Corporate Governance and Managerial

journal of political economy. I. Introduction. In the United States managers own very little of the firms they manage. In a representative sample of large 

Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth Paul M. Romer

1004 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY knowledge-combine to produce a well-specified competitive equilib- rium model of growth. Despite the presence of 

Economic Shocks and Civil Conflict: An Instrumental Variables

journal of political economy many deaths as wars between states since World War II (Fearon and. Laitin 2003). A major locus for civil wars in recent years 

On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health

224 JOURNAL. OF. POLITICAL. ECONOMY potential gains in productivity individuals have an incentive to invest in formal schooling or in on-the-job training.

The Effect of Driving Restrictions on Air Quality in Mexico City Lucas

[ Journal of Political Economy 2008
