Inheritance & Abstract Classes

Every class inherits (implicitly) from the Object class in Java. • Every class is-a Object. • There are no fields in Object but there are.

Abstract classes vs. Interfaces

The class containing an abstract method MUST be qualified as abstract. • An abstract method must be Java does not support multiple inheritance.

CS200: Advanced OO in Java interfaces inheritance

Abstract classes Interfaces & Comparators

An abstract class should have at least one abstract method. a class or an abstract class. ? In Java multiple inheritance is achieved using interfaces.

Abstract Method & Abstract Classes

In Java 8 you have to do more work than this. Page 14. Other Examples of Abstract Classes. An interface specifies required behavior.

CS200: Advanced OO in Java interfaces inheritance

Lecture 08 - Abstract Classes and Interfaces Part 1

Slides adapted from Liang Introduction to Java Programming

Chapter 11: Polymorphism

Can we force a subclass to override a method inherited from superclass? Yes we can leverage the power of abstract class. Page 17. Concrete Classes.

Chapter#11: Main Pillars of the Object Oriented Programming

Introducing the concepts of Encapsulation and Inheritance. ? Learning the Super keyword Learning how to use interfaces and abstract classes in Java.

Java Classes Objects

Abstract and Interfaces Recap 2