8 juin 2018 C. Point de vue des patients traités par ECT . ... Le bilan pré-thérapeutique. ... une surveillance gynéco obstétricale pré ECT et un.

Utilisation dun arbre décisionnel permettant doptimiser les

3 févr. 2020 Le Docteur Denis GONZALEZ merci pour toutes ces matinées en ECT à tes côtés ... Particularités du bilan pré ECT chez la personne âgée .


Préambule au soin ECT : o Examens pré ECT : ? ECG + avis cardiologue. ? EEG + avis neurologue. ? Scanner cérébral. ? Radio pulmonaire. ? Bilan Sanguin 

Syndrome catatonique

Bilan complémentaires : diagnostic positif diagnostics différentiels et contre-indiquant formellement l'ECT)

Lélectroconvulsivothérapie (ECT) en psychiatrie

22 sept. 2018 ?Risque lié à l'absence d'ECT (alternatives possibles ?) • Information et consentement (écrit) du patient. • Consultation pré-anesthésique. • ...


19 mars 2006 bilan pré ECT : bilan sanguin radio


Évaluation pré ECT (5). ? Bilan. ? Rien n'est obligatoire. ? Adapté à chaque cas. ? Tout état médical quand bien même.


13 mai 2014 o Bilan d'introduction du lithium o Bilan pré-ECT (Electro-Convulsivo-Thérapie) o Suivi d'une pathologie épileptique connue ...

Référentiel de prise en charge des cancers en région Centre

31 août 2010 1.2 BILAN PRÉ-THÉRAPEUTIQUE. • NFS Plaquettes réticulocytes

Lélectroconvulsivothérapie en psychiatrie et neurologie

Les buts de l'évaluation pré-ECT sont : modalités de l'ECT [4] le seul examen complémentaire systématique conseillé est l'ECG

Patient education: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (Beyond

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a safe and effective treatment for certain psychiatric disorders ECT is most commonly used to treat severe depression (major depression) It is often the fastest and best treatment available for this illness ECT is also sometimes used to treat other psychiatric disorders such as:

Pre ECT Checklist Patient Name/Date of Birth/ MR Number

Pre ECT Checklist Patient Name/Date of Birth/ MR Number DATE: _____ TIME: _____ UNIT: _____ SAMPLE PRE-ECT CHECKLIST VITAL SIGNS B/P lying B/P standing Pulse lying Pulse standing Respiration lying Respiration standing Temperature O 2 Saturation SYMPTOM CHECK: Patient report or evidence of-


PRE - ELECTROCONVULSIVE (ECT) SCREENING ASSESSMENT To be completed prior to first treatment and faxed to Department of Anesthesiology Kingston Health Sciences Centre 613-548-1375 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Height (cm): Weight (kg): Heart Rate: Blood Pressure: Oxygen Saturation: Respiratory:

Searches related to bilan pre ect PDF

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an extremely safe and effective medical treatment for certain psychiatric disorders ECT is a procedure in which a small amount of electricity is applied to the scalp to produce a brief seizure in the brain Like many other medical procedures ECT is given to a patient who is under general anesthesia

What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a safe and effective treatment for certain psychiatric disorders. ECT is most commonly used to treat severe depression (major depression). It is often the fastest and best treatment available for this illness. ECT is also sometimes used to treat other psychiatric disorders, such as:

How do I know if I need ECT?

1. psychiatric history and examination to determine the indication for ECT. The history should include an assessment of the effects of any prior ECT. 2. a medical evaluation to define risk factors. This should include medical history, physical examination (including assessment of the teeth and mouth), and vital signs.

What makes a decision to administer ECT?

The decision to administer ECT is based on the type and severity of the patient's illness, treatment history, and a risk-benefit analysis of available psychiatric therapies, and requires agreement among attending physician, ECT psychiatrist, and consentor.

What should be included in a pre-ECT evaluation?

Local policy should determine the components of the routine pre-ECT evaluation. Additional tests, procedures, and consultations may be indicated, on an individual basis. Such a policy should include all the following: 1. psychiatric history and examination to determine the indication for ECT.