The ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and their parasites: effects of

28 Aug2018 In fact

ZootaxaParvimyrma gen. nov. belonging to the Solenopsis genus

30 Apr2007 In Tay Yen Tu National Park


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Unveiling the morphology of the Oriental rare monotypic ant genus

16 Jan2020 MCZC. Museum of Comparative Zoology

Squaring the Circle? Research Museum

Maritime Boundary Delimitation and Sino-Vietnamese Cooperation

and Continental Shelves of the Two Countries in the Beibu Gulf/Bac Bo Gulf” available online on Revue d'histoire maritime

Youth policies in France - 2019

The Youth Wiki is Europe's online encyclopaedia in the area of national youth replaces the "Admission Post Bac (APB)" platform created in 2009.

Bilan des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 – site Wikipedia

SUJET D'ETUDE HISTOIRE 4. Le monde depuis le tournant des années septembre 2001 Manuel Histoire-Géographie Education civique

A history of vocational education and training in Europe A history of

definition of common interests. Convergence ings in ASCE