Cleary In The News

COMP/38.580) Commission decisions of December 19

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 2.8.2012 COM(2012) 429 final

2 août 2012 as regards the European Court of Justice the European Central Bank and ... In the LPN case

Guidelines 03/2021 on the application of Article 65(1)(a) GDPR

13 avr. 2021 The general conditions for the adoption of a binding decision by the ... in MasterCard Inc.

Cour Pénale Internationale International Criminal Court

11 Septembre 2009. ICC-01/05-01/08-516 11-09-2009 1/21 RH PT T. Lubanga Dyilo Décision sur la confirmation des charges

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels By registered letter with

8 Judgement of the General Court of 19 September 2018 in case T-39/17 Port de Brest v Commission


30 juil. 2018 The EO was “created” by the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 as an EU ... 16 Case T-245/11 (Judgement of the General Court of 23 September 2015) ...

EPRS interchange fees for card based payment transactions

The proposal for a regulation addresses interchange fees at EU level through Court decision rendered 9 September 2014 in case T-516/11

Study on the functioning of judicial systems in the EU Member States

4 avr. 2018 for the attention of the European Commission (Directorate General ... to enforcement of judicial decisions as fees for enforcement agents.


127 The judgment of the General Court in the Intel case and the opinion of the Advo- MasterCard and Others/Commission (T-516/11 EU:T:2014:759

Commercially Confidential Information

31 juil. 2014 these documents were treated in their entirety the General Court has ... precedent from Case T-516/11