The Fungus Gardens of Leaf-cutter Ants Undergo a Distinct

Leaf-cutter ants are important herbivores in New World ecosystems that forage primarily on fresh shifts in microbial physiology that corresponded to our.


Bass M.; Cherrett

Directional vibration sensing in the leafcutter ant Atta sexdens

ants do not show a side preference. On a physiological level the temporal resolution of vibrational direction sensing has been studied in Locusta migratoria ( 

Morphology of the Ovary and Spermatheca of the Leafcutter Ant

The leafcutter ant Acromyrmex rugosus Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is physiology and molecular cytology of the polytrophic ovarian follicles of the.

Disentangling nutritional pathways linking leafcutter ants and their

Leafcutter ants are the ultimate insect superorganisms ways with stable isotopes helps visualize how physiological integration within symbiotic ...

Urban Physiology: City Ants Possess High Heat Tolerance

28 févr. 2007 tolerances of leaf-cutter ants from South America's largest city (Sa˜o Paulo Brazil). Specifically

Morphology of the ovary and spermatheca of the leafcutter ant

The leafcutter ant Acromyrmex rugosus Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is physiology and molecular cytology of the polytrophic ovarian follicles of the.

discordant population structures between a leafcutter-ant and its

1 nov. 2018 Department of Behavioral Physiology and Sociobiology Biozentrum

Urban Physiology: City Ants Possess High Heat Tolerance

28 févr. 2007 tolerances of leaf-cutter ants from South America's largest city (Sa˜o Paulo Brazil). Specifically

Sodium-specific foraging by leafcutter ant workers (Atta cephalotes

