Biomedical engineering forum

What is the Biomedical Engineering Forum?

The Forum consists of keynote talks, educational panel, and pre-recorded slide presentations in the frontiers of biomedical engineering.
A pre-recorded slide competition will be hosted for presenting and first authors who are students, postdocs, or residents in any area interfacing engineering with medicine and health.

When is the Carnegie Mellon Forum on Biomedical Engineering?

The Carnegie Mellon Forum on Biomedical Engineering will be held at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh during Sept 17, 2021.
Learn more about CMU Check Forum Program The Forum offers extensive education in Biomedical Engineering and a great opportunity to meet with brilliant minds.
Learn more Explore Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering! New! .

Where can I present my Biomedial Engineering seminar?

Students can present their Biomedial Engineering seminar during one of the following events:

  • 1)The BME symposium (Spring); 2) Summer Seminar Day or 3) an annual retreat (Fall).
    An accelerated MASc option is available to students currently enrolled at McMaster University whereby the degree may be completed in 12 months of full-time study.

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