New biomedicine

  • What is modern biomedicine?

    Biomedicine is based on molecular biology and combines all issues of developing molecular medicine into large-scale structural and functional relationships of the human genome, transcriptome, proteome, physiome and metabolome with the particular point of view of devising new technologies for prediction, diagnosis and .

Professor Ted Sargent devised a strategy to produce a cell that is 24.8 percent efficient, bringing the technology closer to common usage and 
A study led by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) and Weill Cornell Medicine discovered a new relationship between cancer cells and the 
In summary, the new medical model represents the evolution of biomedicine in response to the rise of chronic diseases and evidence-based medicine, and it 

Ai-Driven Precision Medicine

Research generates new data constantly, but are we making the most of it.
Abel Khoand his team combine research data in novel ways and then leverages AI to mine big data to identify new methods for treating diseases, estimate population-level disease burden and perform high-throughput phenotyping.
His team also explores ways to “responsibly app.

Engineering Solutions For Healing

The field of engineering might not seem compatible with life and medicine, Guillermo Ameersaid, but engineers are helping turn regenerative medicine “into a reality.” Ameer discussed his group’s advances in regenerative engineering and how new smart regenerative systems can improve outcomes of surgery. “Historically, regenerative medicine relied on.

Eradicating Tumors with Blood Cells

Shana Kelleydiscussed the launch of the CZ Biohub Chicago as well as her work to use engineering-driven approaches to understand diseases, such as cancer.
In recent studies, Kelley and her team pinpointed immune cells in blood that can recognize and destroy cancer cells.
In an animal study, Kelley and her team leveraged these cells to completely er.

The Secrets of Aging

To kick off the panel, Dean Neilson asked Dr.
Douglas Vaughanabout aging and how far researchers can push human life expectancy. “We’re at a unique point of human history where we have a fundamental understanding of the biology of aging as well as an ability to precisely measure biological age,” said Vaughan, the Irving S.
Cutter Professor and chai.

Advocates the use of reproductive and genetic technologies to enhance human characteristics

New eugenics, also known as liberal eugenics, advocates enhancing human characteristics and capacities through the use of reproductive technology and human genetic engineering.
Those who advocate new eugenics generally think selecting or altering embryos should be left to the preferences of parents, rather than forbidden. New eugenics purports to distinguish itself from the forms of eugenics practiced and advocated in the 20th century, which fell into disrepute after World War II.


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