Biomed vietnam

Biomedic always strives to become the top distributor in Vietnam providing molecular biology diagnostic test kits, providing analytical equipment systems, 
The following is a list of ecoregions in Vietnam defined by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
Biomed vietnam
Biomed vietnam

Ecoregion in Northern Vietnam

The Northern Vietnam lowland rain forests ecoregion covers the central-eastern coast of Vietnam from the Red River delta in the north to Tam Kỳ in the center of the country and neighboring adjacent parts of Laos.
The region is one of the wet evergreen forests, with rain over 50 mm in every month.
The forests have been highly degraded by human use, and the high levels of biodiversity have been pushed back into relatively small protected areas like Pu Mat National Park.
Many areas of Vietnam are under protection

Many areas of Vietnam are under protection

Many areas of Vietnam are under protection.
While the national reserves cover small areas of scientific significance with restricted access, the national parks also cover wetlands of Ramsar designated areas and BirdLife International inscribed bird areas.
The largest of the national parks initially covered were the Cúc Phương National Park, the Cát Tiên National Park, and the Côn Đảo National Park which to start with were forest areas cum reserves or prohibited areas.
The objective for creating national parks was to allow access to the reserved areas as a part of ecotourism and cultural needs with full attention to the basic approach of conservation of natural environmental resources.
The Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests ecoregion covers the low

The Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests ecoregion covers the low

Ecoregion (WWF)

The Southern Vietnam lowland dry forests ecoregion covers the low, relatively arid coastal strip of southern Vietnam on the South China Sea.
The region is in the rain shadow of the Southern Annamite Range, which blocks humid air from the west.
Although approximately half of the ecoregion is forested to some degree, most has at some point been cleared for agriculture or degraded by extraction of hardwoods.
There are few protected areas.
The South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests ecoregion

The South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests ecoregion

Ecoregion in South China and Vietnam

The South China-Vietnam subtropical evergreen forests ecoregion covers the mountainous coastal region of southeastern China and northeastern Vietnam.
The ecoregional also covers the coastal plain along the South China Sea and Hainan Island.
The area has significant biodiversity and ecological importance, with high levels of both endemic and threatened species.
Rapid urban expansion is reducing biologically-rich forests and wetlands.
Ecologically, the subtropical forests are at the northeastern extent of the Indomalayan realm.


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