Biomedical science poly cut off

  • Does Singapore Polytechnic accept Igcse?

    Full-time application is open to GCE 'O' Level / SPM / UEC / GCSE / IGCSE / GCE 'A' Level holders and ITE graduates..

  • How many points do you need for poly?

    To be eligible for admission into a polytechnic course, you must meet these 2 criteria: Your ELR2B2 net aggregate score must not exceed 26 unless you are applying for the Diploma in Nursing.
    To apply for the Diploma in Nursing, your ELR2B2-C net aggregate score must not exceed 28..

  • How many points do you need to get into poly?

    To be eligible for admission into a polytechnic course, you must meet these 2 criteria: Your ELR2B2 net aggregate score must not exceed 26 unless you are applying for the Diploma in Nursing.
    To apply for the Diploma in Nursing, your ELR2B2-C net aggregate score must not exceed 28..

  • Is Poly hard to get into?

    Florida Polytechnic University is selective with an acceptance rate of 47%..

  • What course should I take in poly?

    According to the Singapore Ministry of Education, the top ten courses in polytechnics are:

    Business Administration.
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
    Mechanical Engineering.
    Chemical Engineering.
    Civil Engineering.
    Food Science and Technology.
    Infocomm Security Management.
    Interactive Digital Media..

  • What does net ELR2B2 aggregate range mean?

    ELR2B2 = English Language (EL) + 2 Relevant Subjects (R2)* + 2 Other Best Subjects (B2)# *Including two relevant subjects from the related course group's aggregate score type – A, B, C or D.
    The gross aggregate scores for the four course groups are already computed for you in the JAE Form A..

  • What is the ELR2B2 cut off points to take on the accountancy course in Singapore Polytechnic?

    According to the Singapore Ministry of Education, the top ten courses in polytechnics are:

    Business Administration.
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
    Mechanical Engineering.
    Chemical Engineering.
    Civil Engineering.
    Food Science and Technology.
    Infocomm Security Management.
    Interactive Digital Media..

  • What is the ELR2B2 cut off points to take on the accountancy course in Singapore Polytechnic?

    Full-time application is open to GCE 'O' Level / SPM / UEC / GCSE / IGCSE / GCE 'A' Level holders and ITE graduates..

  • Which poly is the best?

    Singapore Polytechnic is ranked 1st amongst all the polytechnics in Singapore with the cut off points to be as low as 8 and highest as 22.
    SP is also well-known for the facilities they offer on their campus..

  • According to the Singapore Ministry of Education, the top ten courses in polytechnics are:

    Business Administration.
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
    Mechanical Engineering.
    Chemical Engineering.
    Civil Engineering.
    Food Science and Technology.
    Infocomm Security Management.
    Interactive Digital Media.
  • Full-time application is open to GCE 'O' Level / SPM / UEC / GCSE / IGCSE / GCE 'A' Level holders and ITE graduates.
Biomedical Science, 8. N45, Business Studies, 8. N56, Chemical & Biomolecular The CCA points deduction for poly makes the polytechnic cut off points easier to  Nanyang Polytechnic Cut Off Republic Polytechnic (RP) Cut
Biomedical Science, 8. N45, Business Studies, 8. N56, Chemical & Biomolecular The CCA points deduction for poly makes the polytechnic cut off points easier to 
Here are the Singaporean polytechnic cut off points in 2023. The points are in terms of Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level (O-Level) net ELR2B2 aggregate  Nanyang Polytechnic Cut Off Republic Polytechnic (RP) Cut
Here are the Singaporean polytechnic cut off points in 2023. The points are in terms of Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level (O-Level) net ELR2B2  Nanyang Polytechnic Cut Off Republic Polytechnic (RP) Cut
Here are the Singaporean polytechnic cut off points in 2023. The points are in terms of Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level (O-Level) net ELR2B2 
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) Cut Off Points 2023 ; N53, Banking & Finance, 11 ; N60, Biomedical Engineering, 11 ; N59, Biomedical Science, 8 ; N45, Business Studies, 8.


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