Biometrics quora

  • How good is biometrics?

    Biometric technology is far from infallible, and there is some inherent risk.
    While biometrics are generally more secure than other authentication methods, the leak of biometric identifiers is potentially much more serious..

As biometric identifiers are unique to individuals, they are seen as more reliable for verifying one's identity than traditional token-based identification systems such as a passport, as well as knowledge-based identification systems such as a password.
Biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition patterns, are typically stored in secure databases or on encrypted devices. These storage methods 
Biometric technology is generally referred to as the use of technology to identify a person based on some aspect of their biology. Biometric modalities include fingerprint, iris, facial features, voice, and other biological traits of human beings.
Biometrics is the science of measuring and analyzing physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, and voice patterns, to uniquely identify an individual.

Are biometric algorithms biased?

Biometric algorithms are considered to be biased if there are significant differences in how it operates when interacting with different demographic groups of users.
Consequently, certain groups of users are privileged while other groups are disadvantaged.
Who is affected by demographic bias in biometrics? .

Are biometric recognition solutions racist?

There is a common misconception that biometric recognition solutions have an intrinsic bias, but even the most advanced technologies today lack the cognition necessary to be deliberately racist (unless the Terminator was hiding a dark secret).
That isn’t to say many solutions don’t have issues recognizing the faces of certain groups — they do.

Are biometrics a good indicator of user identity?

Biometrics ultimately rely on two key properties:

  • the efficacy of uniquely identifying an individual user and the difficulty for an adversary to spoof a biometric and masquerade as a given user.
    For a biometric to be a good indicator of user identity, we must measure something that is both unique and distinguishable between users.
  • Compulsion

    Advantage: Passwords, maybe There are definitely situations in which a user may feel pressured to unlock their device or log in to an account.
    In a legal context, a judge or border crossing agent could attempt to compel them to do so.
    In many jurisdictions, a judge cannot compel a user to reveal a password, but may be able to order a user to provid.


    Advantage: Tie A very common way to compromise an account is to compromise the device logging on.
    Whether a PC or mobile phone, devices can become infected by running untrusted applications, visiting the wrong website, or executing untrustworthy email attachments.
    New threats are being discovered all the time, and often there is nothing users can d.

    Remote Attackers

    Advantage: Biometrics When the threat context is remote attackers, there are many advantages to the biometrics + secret key approach over the use of passwords.
    The first is that password reuse is a common practice and multiplies the impact of any sort of disclosure of a user’s password.
    If an attacker places malware on a user’s device and captures .

    What is a biometric system?

    Biometric systems measure and analyze the physiological or behavioral traits of an individual for the purposes of identity verification and authentication.
    This is often conducted through biometric authentication using fingerprint and facial recognition technology.


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