Biometrics summer school

The IAPR/IEEE International Summer school for advanced studies on biometrics held in each summer in Alghero, Italy since 2003. It has been closely following the developments in science and technology to offer a cutting edge, intensive training course, always up to date with the current state-of-the-art.
The IAPR/IEEE International Summer school for advanced studies on biometrics held in each summer in Alghero, Italy since 2003.

Are School biometrics a privacy hazard?

School biometrics, typically electronic fingerprinting systems, have raised privacy concerns because of the creation of databases that would progressively include:

  • the entire population.
    The UK introduced legal duties on schools if they wish to use biometric information about pupils, in the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.
  • What is biometric solutions for schools?

    Biometric security system, only, in these sort of cases can provide the ultimate level of security.
    Besides this student dormitories and education institute management is a massive issue that can be automated using the biometric-based system.
    Biometric Solutions for Schools is the best way to automate all these painstaking processes.


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