Biometric underwriting

  • biometric risk in Insurance
    Biometric risk covers all risks related to human life conditions, such as death, birth, disability, age, and number of children.
Biometric Underwriting GmbH works with major insurers and sales partners to protect against biometric risks through innovative concepts. Our goal is a 

Are there laws governing the biometrics Industry?

To date, no overarching laws or standards guide the biometrics industry.
However, there are efforts from local to global levels to regulate the collection, use and retention of biometric data.
These measures help governmental agencies and citizens take action if there's a violation of privacy rights.

Does insurance cover biometric data?

There have been a number of class action lawsuits stemming from the collection and use of biometric data.
We provide an overview of where insurance coverage currently stands for these types of claims.
The regulation of the collection and use of biometric data has become more prevalent.

How are biometrics used in everyday life?

Biometrics are widespread and expanding – in business, government and everyday life.
People can unlock their smartphones with their faces.
Banks recognize customers by the sound of their voice.
Police identify suspects with automated fingerprinting.
These are just some of the common applications for biometrics.

How Are Biometrics used?

High-security areas

Poised For Growth


What Are The Downsides?

Biometrics are inherently public,so someone can duplicate some traits.
For example, a criminal could lift a person's fingerprint from a glass tabletop.
Then, they can use this information to gain a.

What Is Biometric Technology?

Physical traitssuch as face, fingerprints, iris, retina and DNA

What risks does a biometrics technology business face?

From data breaches to false positives, biometrics technology businesses face different liabilities and risks.
Matching a business' unique risk with the appropriate coverage is critical.


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