Biometrics beirut

  • How do I book a biometric appointment in Lebanon?

    You will need to book an appointment at the nearest Australia Biometrics Collection Centre, managed by VFS Global:

Beirut. Service fee. Biometric Collection fee: USD 60.5. Mode of payment: Cash. Address All Biometric Collection Centres have access ramps for wheelchairs.
Mobile phones are not permitted in the Biometric Collection Centre, but they must be handed over to the security team switched to silent mode at the entrance.

Covid-19 Information

For updates to Australia’s immigration and border arrangements, please refer to the information at: COVID-19 and the border (

General Visa and Citizenship Information

Online applications can be lodged viaImmiAccount:
Overseas applicants who are unable to apply online for a visa can refer to the information at:
If you are seeking information on which visa to apply fo.

Important Changes to Visa and Citizenship Processing in Beirut

The Department of Home Affairs section at the Embassy no longer processes Australian visa applications and will notrespond to enquiries regarding visa and citizenship matters.
Any visa application lodged at this office but not yet finalised has been transferred to another processing location.
To check the status of your visa or citizenship applicat.

Why should you choose a biometrics typing center in Dubai?

These Biometrics centers Help them to complete all the queries which have they.
These all the helping centers are fully approved by the official of Dubai.
And contact with different Dubai online portals.
Here are the complete contacting details of these portals.
You can get all the new and running services from these Biometrics typing centers.


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