Biometrics lebanon

  • How do I contact VFS Lebanon?


    1Contact us by phone 977-1-5526303 (08:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs from Monday to Friday) currently not functional.
    2) Contact us by email: to Talk.
    6) Share feedback..

  • You will need to book an appointment at the nearest Australia Biometrics Collection Centre, managed by VFS Global:
Address. Australian Biometric Collection Centre. 01st Floor, Gefinor Center,. Block A, Clemancu,. Beirut, Lebanon. View on Google maps ->. Opening hours 

Can a Lebanese identity card holder get a passport?

A Lebanese Identity Card holder may not be able to acquire a passport if they do not possess a Lebanese Identity Card.
This is because only people who qualify to hold Lebanese passports will be issued with one since the individual's nationality can be properly checked from the National Identification System.

How do you calculate a check digit on a Republic of Lebanon ID card?

Finally, divide the number by 10 and the remainder is your check digit (this is known as a modulo 10 calculation).
The Republic of Lebanon ID cards contain an ISO 18000-3 and ISO 14443 compatible 13.56 MHz RFID chip that uses the ISO 7816 protocols.

How does a biometric passport work?

The biometric passport will have a contactless smartcard RFID chip encoded with the bearer's name, gender, date and place of birth, and a digital image of their face, ten fingerprints, palmprints, and electronic signature in a JPEG2000 format embedded at the bottom of the front cover under the word "PASSEPORT".

How long does it take to get a biometric passport in Lebanon?

They must apply and obtain a new biometric passport within one year from the application date, from the Directorate of General Security during their travel to Lebanon.

National identity card of Lebanon

The Lebanese identity card is a compulsory Identity document issued to citizens of the Republic of Lebanon by the police on behalf of the Lebanese Ministry of Interior or in Lebanese embassies/consulates (abroad) free of charge.
It is proof of identity, citizenship and residence of the Lebanese citizens.


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