Lip biometrics

  • Definition: Behavioral biometrics measures and uniquely distinguishes patterns in the behavior of device users.
    Behavioral biometrics are habits and proclivities humans develop over time, given their interactions with different devices.
Lip-based biometric authentication is the process of verifying an individual based on visual information taken from the lips while speaking.
Lips biometrics is passive biometrics - user/subject interaction is not needed. Images may be acquired from the distance without the knowledge of the examined person. 2. Lips biometrics is anatomical - better results are expected than in behavioral biometrics.
Lips biometrics is passive biometrics - user/subject interaction is not needed. Images may be acquired from the distance without the knowledge of the examined person. 2. Lips biometrics is anatomical - better results are expected than in behavioral biometrics.
The lip biometric system focuses on the uniqueness of the parameters of the lips as a useful feature to distinguish similar-looking people.

Can a lip print confirm a person's identity?

The patterns found on the human lip are permanent unless subjected to alternations or trauma.
Therefore, lip prints can serve the purpose of confirming an individual's identity.
The main objective of this work is to design experiments using computer vision methods that can recognise an individual solely based on their lip prints.

Can lip biometric features be used as a recognition system?

Therefore, it has the potential to be treated as a biometric measure and qualifies the criteria for being a recognition system.
Compared to other biometric modalities such as:

  • fingerprint
  • face or iris
  • lip biometric features contain both physiological and behavioural characteristics [ 8 ].
  • Can lip-based identification be used in handheld devices?

    An overview of the study indicates that it has potential for lip-based identification in applications such as:

  • handheld devices.
    One of the main challenges encountered was the availability of datasets.
    Although there are many face datasets, a dataset with a high-resolution of lips along with its pattern of grooves is limited.
  • What is lip based identification?

    One emerging method of human recognition is lip-based identification.
    It can be treated as a new kind of biometric measure.
    The patterns found on the human lip are permanent unless subjected to alternations or trauma.
    Therefore, lip prints can serve the purpose of confirming an individual's identity.

    Technique of understanding speech when sound is not available

    Lip reading, also known as speechreading, is a technique of understanding speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face and tongue when normal sound is not available.
    It relies also on information provided by the context, knowledge of the language, and any residual hearing.
    Although lip reading is used most extensively by deaf and hard-of-hearing people, most people with normal hearing process some speech information from sight of the moving mouth.


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