Biophysics undergraduate

In the second two years, students take specialized courses in biophysics, physics, and biology. Biophysics majors also complete at least two semesters of  RequirementsUndergraduate CoursesUndergraduate Research
The Hopkins major in biophysics has always been a rigorous and challenging major that attracts students interested in biology as well as mathematics, physics,  RequirementsUndergraduate CoursesUndergraduate Research
The Hopkins major in biophysics has always been a rigorous and challenging major that attracts students interested in biology as well as mathematics, physics, 

Should I major in biophysics?

The undergraduate major in biophysics is a great choice for students who enjoy math and physics but are interested in problems related to biology or medicine.
The Hopkins major in biophysics has always been a rigorous and challenging major that attracts students interested in biology as well as mathematics, physics, and computation.

What are the prerequisites for Biophysics?

The biophysics undergraduate program includes:

  • Required courses in biology
  • chemistry
  • and physics.
    Upper-level courses in biophysics.
    Three elective courses in the sciences.
    Independent laboratory research in biophysics.

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