Problems in biophysics

In recent years, advances in biophysics, which are often intrinsically linked to technological developments, have not only led to a better  IntroductionThe future of biophysicsSummary
The future of biophysics. Biological phenomena span a broad range of temporal and spatial scales, encompassing events that range from  IntroductionThe future of biophysicsSummary

Does biophysics reports have a plagiarism policy?

Biophysics Reports follows a strong plagiarism policy.
It ensures that none of the parts of the manuscript is plagiarized from other sources and proper reference is provided for all contents extracted from other sources.

Is biophysics Overkill?

Biophysics is a broad interdisciplinary major requiring a broad understanding of the sciences.
In many ways, it is overkill for what is actually needed to be a physician.
However, that is what Berkeley undergrads tend to do … overkill.

What is the impact if of Biophysical Journal?

The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of Biophysical Journal is 3.699, which is just updated in 2023.
Biophysical Journal Journal's Impact IF Prediction System is now online.
You can start share your valuable insights with the community.
BJ publishes original articles, letters, and perspectives on important problems in modern biophysics.


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