Biophysics for medical school

  • Biochemistry and microbiology are the most popular pre-med majors.
    These biological sciences focus on the way living organisms work, offering a great foundation for a medical school application.
    But there's no one-size-fits-all answer to what the best pre-med major will be for each person.
Biophysics promotes interdisciplinary partnerships, and the opportunity to work in this environment of a scientific melting pot encourages our students to learn 
The Program in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Michigan is an interdisciplinary gateway program that coordinates admissions and the first year of 

What is a PhD in biophysics?

Initiated in 1949, the Biophysics Ph.
D. program is one of the first such programs in the world.
From the very early days, this program has been at the forefront of the new discipline of biophysics, and the home of many recognized leaders, including:

  • M.
    Beer, H.R.
    Crane, C.
    Levinthal, H.
  • M.
    Randall, G.
    Sutherland, C.
    Thomas, and R.

  • Categories

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