Biophysical discourse

  • Is climate change biophysical?

    Climate change threatens biodiversity directly by influencing biophysical variables that drive species' geographic distributions and indirectly through socio-economic changes that influence land use patterns, driven by global consumption, production and climate..

  • What are the biophysical impacts of climate change?

    Climate change threatens biodiversity directly by influencing biophysical variables that drive species' geographic distributions and indirectly through socio-economic changes that influence land use patterns, driven by global consumption, production and climate..

  • What is a biophysical discourse?

    Adopting a holistic worldview, proponents of the biophysical discourse often take the dynamic Earth system as a starting point and investigate how human activities are affecting biological and physical conditions and processes (Schellnhuber et al..

  • What is an environmental discourse?

    Environmental discourse is linguistic representation of the interaction between human body and natural environment.
    Its meaning generation and construction are rooted in the experiential experience of the interaction..

  • What is an integrative discourse?

    An integrative discourse does not offer specific recipes or mandates for action, but instead opens spaces for new inquiries and new ways of relating to both problems and solutions (Leichenko and O'Brien, 2019).Mar 11, 2019.

  • An integrative discourse does not offer specific recipes or mandates for action, but instead opens spaces for new inquiries and new ways of relating to both problems and solutions (Leichenko and O'Brien, 2019).Mar 11, 2019
  • Climate change threatens biodiversity directly by influencing biophysical variables that drive species' geographic distributions and indirectly through socio-economic changes that influence land use patterns, driven by global consumption, production and climate.
biophysical discourses. is premised on the assumption that greater scientific knowledge will reduce the uncertainty about the consequences of increased greenhouse gas emissions. - uses techno-managerial approach. critical discourses.
The biophysical discourse is based on the belief that if scientific knowledge can be developed enough to reduce uncertainty, then a basic social consensus on actions and responses will follow.
The biophysical discourse is based on the belief that if scientific knowledge can be developed enough to reduce uncertainty, then a basic social consensus on actions and responses will follow.
The biophysical discourse is based on the belief that if scientific knowledge can be developed enough to reduce uncertainty, then a basic social consensus on  Discourses on Global The Biophysical DiscourseThe Critical Discourse
The biophysical discourse is based on the belief that if scientific knowledge can be developed enough to reduce uncertainty, then a basic social consensus on  The Biophysical DiscourseThe Human-Environment The Critical Discourse
The biophysical discourse on global environmental change is also prominent in the realm of international environmental politics, in which international  Discourses on Global The Biophysical DiscourseThe Critical Discourse
The first and most prevalent discourse on global environmental change is the “biophysical discourse,” which frames environmental problems as biophysically-based  Discourses on Global The Biophysical DiscourseThe Critical Discourse

Learning About Climate Change in Arts and Humanities Classes

More and more arts and humanities educators explore climate change as a topic within their classes (Monroe et al. 2017; A.
Siegner 2018; A.
Siegner and Stapert 2019).
Usually, they rely on teachings from the natural science disciplines and the biophysical discourse, for example, by reading informative texts about climate change, watching documen.

Learning About Climate Change with Art

There is a growing recognition that the current dominant model of transmissive education is insufficient to meet today’s challenges (Blake et al. 2013; O’Brien et al. 2013; Sterling and Orr 2001).
Many advocate for a shift from the transmissive, instructive notion of education which relies on the transfer of information to a more creative and engag.


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