Biophysical limits

  • What is biophysical limits?

    One of the consequences of the biophysical perspective on the economy is the emphasis on limits to growth.
    In the biophysical perspective, the Earth is a system that primarily gets its energy from the sun, while the economy is seen as a metabolic organism that develops within the limits of the biosphere..

  • Ecological limits or thresholds are the points at which a relative disturbance from external conditions generates a far greater effect in the environment or ecosystem.
    This disturbance distortion could be as a result of human activities or natural occurrence.
  • One of the consequences of the biophysical perspective on the economy is the emphasis on limits to growth.
    In the biophysical perspective, the Earth is a system that primarily gets its energy from the sun, while the economy is seen as a metabolic organism that develops within the limits of the biosphere.
A key concept is to look at the roots of unsustainability and implement a paradigm shift to create systems with a holistic view of our relationship with the 
Many of these biophysical limits to growth can be observed as measures of unsustainability rather than a lack of sustainability.
The biophysical limit of food production is reached when all land suitable for agriculture is cropped and the potential yield on each field is attained.

Are biophysical boundaries inherently just?

Biophysical boundaries are not inherently just.
A collaboration between social and natural scientists, the Earth Commission, defines and operationalizes Earth system justice to ensure that biophysical boundaries reduce harm, increase well-being, and reflect substantive and procedural justice.

Are PBS the biophysical limits we should not transgress?

Unlike the widely agreed UN 2030 SDG agenda, there is no political consensus that the PBs are the biophysical limits that we should not transgress globally (except climate change boundary) ( Griggs et al., 2013 ).

Should biophysical limits be included in decoupling-based sustainability indicators?

The lack of consideration of biophysical limits in current ‘decoupling-based sustainability indicators’ is distracting and insufficient ( Alexander et al., 2018, Jackson and Victor, 2019, Ward et al., 2016 ).

What are biophysical limits?

Taking Australia as an example, the State of the Environment Report, which thoroughly reviews the state of the Australian environment in 2016 ( Jackson, 2017 ), biophysical limits are described in one phrase ‘ achieving long-term sustainability requires that the use of the environment is kept within biophysical limits… .


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