Biophysics of color vision

  • What is the physics behind color vision?

    As sunlight — which is a combination of all wavelengths — hits an object, some materials will absorb specific wavelengths.
    The wavelengths that aren't absorbed get reflected.
    This reflected light then reaches our eyes and makes us perceive the reflecting object as being a particular color..

  • What is the physiological basis of color vision?

    Color vision starts with the absorption of light in the retinal cone photoreceptors, which transduce electromagnetic energy into electrical voltages.
    These voltages are transformed into action potentials by a complicated network of cells in the retina..

  • What is the theory of color vision?

    The trichromatic theory of color vision says that human eyes only perceive three colors of light: red, blue, and green.
    The wavelengths of these three colors can be combined to create every color on the visible light spectrum.
    This theory was first suggested by Thomas Young and later tested by Hermann Von Helmholtz..

  • What process is color vision based on?

    Opponent process theory suggests that looking at one color for a long period causes those receptor cells to become fatigued.
    When they begin sending weaker signals, their opposing cells fire, sending signals that cause the perception of the opposing color..

  • Where does color vision come from?

    Light travels into the eye to the retina located on the back of the eye.
    The retina is covered with millions of light sensitive cells called rods and cones.
    When these cells detect light, they send signals to the brain.
    Cone cells help detect colors..

  • Where is color vision processed?

    Color processing begins with the absorption of light by cone photoreceptors, and progresses through a series of hierarchical stages: Retinal signals carrying color information are transmitted through the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (LGN) up to the primary visual cortex (V1)..

  • As sunlight — which is a combination of all wavelengths — hits an object, some materials will absorb specific wavelengths.
    The wavelengths that aren't absorbed get reflected.
    This reflected light then reaches our eyes and makes us perceive the reflecting object as being a particular color.
  • Color perception changes across the visual field.
    It is best in the fovea and declines in the periphery.
    Sensitivity to red–green color variations declines more steeply toward the periphery than sensitivity to luminance or blue–yellow colors.
  • Colour vision is an integral part of the human visual system.
    It relies on the presence of three types of cone photoreceptor in the retina, which have different but overlapping wavelength tuning curves.
    Colour information is sent in three colour-opponent channels from they eye to the brain.
  • Cones are active at higher light levels (photopic vision), are capable of color vision and are responsible for high spatial acuity.
    The central fovea is populated exclusively by cones.
  • Different rods and cones react to different wavelengths, or colors, of light.
    When light hits the rods and cones, they send electrical signals to let the brain know.
    They do that through the optic nerve.
    Like roads and highways, nerves carry signals around the brain and body.
  • Perception of color begins with specialized retinal cells known as cone cells.
    Cone cells contain different forms of opsin – a pigment protein – that have different spectral sensitivities.
    Humans contain three types, resulting in trichromatic color vision.
  • This is done by 2 types of cone opponent process, starting in the retina.
    Post receptoral pathways for color vision: L/M (red-green) cone-opponency - midget ganglion cells of retina & LGN – also called P cells.
Mathematical biophysics of color vision II: Theory of color changes induced by the alternation of colors at various frequencies. H. D. Landahl.
Retina - the light-sensing part of the eye. It contains rod cells, responsible for vision in low light, and cone cells, responsible for colour vision and detail.
The human eye can sense almost any gradation of colour when red, green and blue are mixed (originally Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory). Page 38. Biophysics 

How is human color perception determined?

Thus human color perception is determined by a specific, non-unique linear mapping from the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space Hcolor to the 3-dimensional Euclidean space R3color .

What are the different types of color vision research?

A tour of contemporary color vision research The study of color vision encompasses many disciplines, including:

  • art
  • biochemistry
  • biophysics
  • brain imaging
  • cognitive neuroscience
  • color preferences
  • colorimetry
  • computer modelling
  • design
  • electrophysiology
  • language and cognition
  • molecular genetics
  • neuroscience
  • physiological optics
  • psych … .
  • What is color blindness?

    Color blindness is a group of eye disorders that affect the perception of color.
    The most common color vision deficiency is a red-green color vision.
    Affected individuals often have difficulty differentiating between shades of yellow, red and green.
    Blue-yellow color vision defects are rare.

    What is the physiologic basis of color vision?

    Nathaniel Pasmanter; Sunil Munakomi.
    Last Update:

  • September 12
  • 2022.
    In humans, the perception and ability to distinguish different colors is mediated by a variety of mechanisms in the retina as well as the brain.
    Understanding the physiologic basis of color vision is essential to detecting abnormalities and devising treatments.
  • Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, is the world's first geostationary orbit satellite image sensor in order to observe or monitor an ocean-color around the Korean Peninsula [1][2].
    The spatial resolution of GOCI is about 500m and the range of target area is about 2,500 km×2,500 km centered on Korean Peninsula.
    GOCI was loaded on Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) of South Korea which was launched in June, 2010.
    It will be operated by external text>Korea Ocean Satellite Center (KOSC) at external text>Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), and capture the images of ocean-color around the Korean Peninsula 8 times a day for 7.7 years.
    Biophysics of color vision
    Biophysics of color vision

    Color that cannot be perceived under ordinary viewing conditions

    Impossible colors are colors that do not appear in ordinary visual functioning.
    Different color theories suggest different hypothetical colors that humans are incapable of perceiving for one reason or another, and fictional colors are routinely created in popular culture.
    While some such colors have no basis in reality, phenomena such as cone cell fatigue enable colors to be perceived in certain circumstances that would not be otherwise.


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