Biophysics major loyola

  • Why choose Loyola University?

    We are Chicago's Jesuit, Catholic University
    Our students receive an education that stresses the importance of knowledge, curiosity, global perspectives, and cura personalis, which translates to “care for the whole person.”.

  • Biophysics is an interdisciplinary subject that involves the frontiers of physics and biology (and also frontiers of chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and engineering).
Offered by the Departments of Physics and Biology, the biophysics major provides rigorous training in mathematics and science and prepares students for graduate education in biophysics, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, and physics.
Program Outcomes Offered by the Departments of Physics and Biology, the biophysics major provides rigorous training in mathematics and science and prepares students for graduate education in biophysics, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, and physics.


PHYS 125 General Physics I PHYS 126 General Physics II PHYS 135 General Physics Lab I PHYS 136 General Physics Lab II PHYS 235 Modern Physics PHYS 237 Modern Physics Lab PHYS 301 Math Methods PHYS 328 Thermodynamics PHYS 314 Theoretical Mechanics I PHYS 351 Electricity Magnetism Total: 26 credit hours


Biophysics module
Biophysics modeling
Biophysics monash
Biophysics mooc
Molecular biophysics
Molecular biophysics iisc
Molecular biophysics and biochemistry
Biopsychosocial model of health
Biophysical monitoring
Biophysical model of behavior
Biophysical model example
Molecular biophysics phd
Molecular biophysics fsu
Biophysics northeastern
Biophysics noun
Novalix biophysics in drug discovery
Biophysical non stress test
Biophysical normal range
Biophysics of notch signaling
Biophysics poster