Biosafety department malaysia

  • Why do you think that the biosafety Act 2007 is needed in Malaysia?

    The purpose of the Act is to regulate the release, importation, exportation and contained use of living modified organisms, and the release of products of such organisms, with the objectives of protecting human, plant and animal health, the environment and biological diversity..

  • Why is biosafety important in the biotechnology industry?

    Its main objective is to keep a check on harmful biological agents, toxins, chemicals, and radiation.
    With the advent of genetic engineering, biosafety measures have gained importance to ensure public and environmental safety.
    The people should be made aware of the rules, regulations, and monitoring bodies..

  • Why is the biosafety protocol important?

    A biosafety program implements actions to identify biological hazards, evaluate the level of health-related risks the biological hazard presents to humans, agriculture (such as livestock and crops), wildlife, and the environment, and identify ways to reduce the health-related risks associated with the biological hazard .

  • “Biosafety Level 4 laboratories perform countermeasure research on diseases for which there are no known cures, such as the Ebola and Marburg viruses.
The department is also the Secretariat to the National Biosafety Board (LBK) and the Genetic Modification Advisory Committee (GMAC). Currently, the Department 

Does Malaysia have a biosafety website?

The website will be updated regularly so as to provide the visitors up-to-date information on biosafety-related issues in Malaysia.
The Malaysian Biosafety Website119 120User’s Guide to the Biosafety Act and Regulations CHAPTERFEES AND CHARGES 13 1.
Are there any fees or charges associated with applications made under the legislation.
Y es.

How to pay biosafety fees?

The fees must be paid by money order or bank draft in the name of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Relevant schedule of the Biosafety Regulations 2010:

  • 3rd Schedule IMPORTANT NOTE The fees submitted are not refundable.
    Any fresh application must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
  • What are Biosafety Levels?

    The organisation’s IBC has the duty to determine the classes of Biosafety Levels.
    The Regulations provide four classes of activities involving modern biotechnology:

  • Second Schedule.
    Biosafety Level 1 (BSL1):refers to activities of no or negligible risk.
    Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2):refers to activities of low risk.
  • When did Malaysian Biosafety Act 2007 come into effect?

    he Malaysian Biosafety Act 2007was passed by Parliament on 11 July 2007 and received the Royal Assent on 29 August 2007.
    It came into effect on 1 December 2009.
    This marked a significant end to a long and arduous process for its promulgation.

    Biosafety department malaysia
    Biosafety department malaysia

    Plan to immunize against COVID-19

    The National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme, abbreviated as NIP or PICK, is a national vaccination campaign that is currently being implemented by the Malaysian government as an approach in curbing the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and to end the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia by successfully achieving the highest immunisation rate among its citizens and non-citizens that are residing in Malaysia.
    It is the largest immunisation programme implemented in the history of the country, and it is being administered by the Special Committee for Ensuring Access to COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) since early 2021.
    Formerly called the Federation of Malaya until 1963, Malaysia started to issue stamps under the current name starting in 1963.


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