Biosafety quiz questions and answers

  • How many biosafety levels are in place?

    There are four biosafety levels.
    Each level has specific controls for containment of microbes and biological agents.
    The primary risks that determine levels of containment are infectivity, severity of disease, transmissibility, and the nature of the work conducted..

How to establish a biosecurity methodology?

According to the video, establishing a biosecurity methodology involves a series of steps.
Put them in the correct order:

  • Match the scenarios with the appropriate adversary category. 4.
    Match the scenarios to the appropriate level of risk. information Terrorist or outsider attempts to steal Lowest risk 5.
  • What are the aims of biosafety and biosecurity measures?

    of organisms of biosafety biosecurity measures aims is to prevent to counter infection attempts BW capabilities materials. 4.
    Both biosafety and biosecurity measures seek to minimize risk.
    When conducting research on pathogenic agents for peaceful purposes, it is necessary to establish what constitutes a(n) _______________ level of risk. 5.

    What is laboratory biosafety?

    Laboratory Biosafety Are containment principles, technologies, and practices implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their unintentional release Laboratory Biosafety Protecting people from dangerous pathogens Laboratory Biosecurity .

    What is the difference between biological acquisition and biosecurity measures?

    requirements. biological acquisition special equipment a biological is it is a necessary dangerous weapons to disperse to pathogen capability biological or weapons is needed. weaponize targeted population.
    Biosecurity measures are proliferant nation or terrorist group from acquiring any one successful .


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