Biosafety technology

  • What are the tools of biosafety?

    Personal protective equipment includes gloves, masks, lab coats, and other wearable equipment (such as safety glasses and respirators) that protect laboratory workers from infectious agents and toxins in the laboratory..

  • What is biosafety in bioprocess technology?

    Biosafety is an emerging discipline built from traditional risk assessment and risk management rationale originating from chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, epidemiology, ecology, human and veterinary medicines, agronomy and all related basic or engineering sciences..

  • What is biosafety in medical technology?

    The term “biosafety” refers to the use of specific practices, safety equipment, and specially designed buildings to ensure that workers, the community, and the environment are protected from accidental exposure or unintentional release of infectious agents, toxins, and other biological hazards..

  • Why is biosafety important to biotechnology?

    Under international environmental law and policy, biosafety refers to the need to protect the environment and human health from the possible adverse effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products resulting from modern biotechnology.May 11, 2021.

“(Laboratory) biosafety describes the containment principles, technologies, and practices that are implemented to prevent the unintentional  AbstractIntroductionBiosafety ObjectivesAddressing Biosafety and
AUSTAR Group is a leading technology-based pharmaceutical engineering solution provider with comprehensive knowledge and experience in life-science process 
Gryphon Scientific studies practices that help prevent exposure to or release of pathogens from laboratories, either due to accidental failure of containment 
Its main objective is to keep a check on harmful biological agents, toxins, chemicals, and radiation. With the advent of genetic engineering, biosafety measures have gained importance to ensure public and environmental safety.
Biosafety technology
Biosafety technology

Methods for controlling the use of GMOs

Genetic use restriction technology (GURT), also known as terminator technology or suicide seeds, is the name given to proposed methods for restricting the use of genetically modified crops by activating some genes only in response to certain stimuli, especially to cause second generation seeds to be infertile.
The development and application of GURTs is primarily an attempt by private sector agricultural breeders to increase the extent of protection on their innovations.
The technology was originally developed under a cooperative research and development agreement between the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and Delta & Pine Land Company in the 1990s and is not yet commercially available.


Telstar biosafety cabinet
Telstar biosafety cabinet manual
Tecniplast biosafety cabinet
Tetrodotoxin biosafety
Teaching biosafety
Ufesa blender
Biosafety cabinet ventilation
Lentiviral vector biosafety level
Biosafety cabinet inflow velocity
International veterinary biosafety working group
Biosafety cabinet air velocity
Viral vector biosafety
Biosafety level 1 versus 2
Aav vector biosafety level
Biosafety level 2 ventilation requirements
Webster biosafety
Biosafety cabinet weight
Importance of biosafety pdf
Principles of biosafety pdf