Monograph biosafety programme management

  • What is biosafety Programme management?

    A facility's biosafety programme is comprised of foundational elements that are implemented to protect personnel, the public and the environment from exposure to, or inadvertent release of, harmful biological agents..

The Biosafety programme management monograph covers biosafety program management, the process of developing and implementing biosafety oversight at the organizational level. This monograph describes the plan–do–check–act management cycle that allows a biosafety program to operate in a risk- and evidence-based way.
This monograph covers biosafety program management, the process of developing and implementing biosafety oversight at the organizational level. This monograph 

What is a biosafety programme management cycle?

All stages of the biosafety programme management cycle (planning, assessment, implementation, and review and improvement) should be carried out in all facility types, and the elements associated with each phase should be defined and represented.


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