Biostatistics slideshare

  • What is biostatistics and its types?

    Biostatistics refers to the application of quantitative methods to capture, process, analyze and interpret data pertaining to any area of biological research, which encompasses everything from public health threats and clinical health outcomes to studies of plants in the environment and agricultural production..

  • What is biostatistics PDF?

    Biostatistics is the exciting field of development and application of statistical methods to research in health-related fields, including medicine, public health and biology..

  • What is the concept of biostatistics SlideShare?

    Biostatistics is a biological science and a branch of medicine that involves the processes of collection, collation, analysis, interpretation, presentation of health and health related information that may lead to conclusion and decision making..

  • What is the concept of biostatistics SlideShare?

    BIOSTATISTICS- is that branch of statistics concerned with the mathematical facts and data related to biological events.Apr 18, 2017.

  • What is the importance of biostatistics in human biology?

    Biostatistics mainly addresses the development, implementation, and application of statistical methods in the field of medical research [3].
    Therefore, an understanding of the medical background and the clinical context of the research problem they are working on is essential for biostatisticians [21]..

  • Where can we use biostatistics?

    BIOSTATISTICS- is that branch of statistics concerned with the mathematical facts and data related to biological events.Apr 18, 2017.

  • Biostatistics is a biological science and a branch of medicine that involves the processes of collection, collation, analysis, interpretation, presentation of health and health related information that may lead to conclusion and decision making.
  • BIOSTATISTICS- is that branch of statistics concerned with the mathematical facts and data related to biological events.Apr 18, 2017
  • In the medical and pharmaceutical fields, biostatistical research is used to check the efficacy and effectiveness of treatments during clinical trials.
    Researchers can also use it to find possible side effects of drugs.

What are the main branches of Biostatistics?

Biostatistics is a branch of statistics applied to biological or medical sciences.
Biostatistics covers applications and contributions not only from health, medicines and, nutrition but also from fields such as:

  • genetics
  • biology
  • epidemiology
  • and many others.[ 1 ] .

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