Biostatistics summer school

  • : a school or school session conducted in summer especially to help students make faster progress toward a diploma or degree, to make up credits lost through absence or failure, or to round out professional education.
Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and EpidemiologyHome | Program | Description | General Info | Application | School | Faculty | GoalsĀ 

What courses are offered at the epi Biostat Summer Institute?

ALL EPI BIOSTAT SUMMER INSTITUTE COURSES WILL BE OFFERED ONLINE The Graduate Summer Institute offers short, intensive courses in epidemiology and biostatistics intended to develop an understanding of the principles, methodologic strategies and practical aspects of epidemiological research.
Register for one or more courses.

What is the summer institute in biostatistics?

This Summer Institute in Biostatistics (SIBS) program is sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), grant R25HL147207, with the intent to introduce undergrad students to the field of biostatistics.


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