Upenn biostatistics seminar

Academic Advisor

Each incoming PhD student is assigned an academic advisor who serves as the student's primary mentor during the first two years of the program, advising in course selection and related academic matters.
Once a thesis advisor is selected, s/he will normally assume the role of academic advisor for the remainder of the student's program.
The Graduate .

Applied Research Requirement, Equivalent of MS Thesis

All PhD students must participate in Biostatistics in Practice and complete a Biostatistics in Practice project, a requirement that students typically satisfy during the first or second year.
See Section 7.3.9 for further details.

Course Requirements

The PhD in Biostatistics typically requires five to six semesters of coursework and additional semesters devoted to dissertation research.
This is usually accomplished in four to five years of full-time study.
The standard course sequence for PhD students consists of 3 units in theory, 7 units in statistical methods, 2 units toward a minor and 3 un.

Electives and Independent Study

Students are required to take 3 additional advanced electives; a partial listing of such courses is given below.
In addition to this list, other courses offered by departments outside of Biostatistics and Epidemiology may be appropriate advanced electives and may be used as an advanced elective for the PhD program upon receiving approval from the s.


Students must complete a two-unit minor sequence in one or more areas of science relevant to biomedical research.
Some possible subject areas for minor courses include epidemiology, genetics, biology, psychology, economics, computer science, and bioengineering.
Minor courses are typically taken outside of the GGEB, with the exception of advanced ep.


The PhD program aims to train independent researchers in biostatistics applications and methodology.
The program includes the Master's program courses, comprehensive analysis of a dataset and reporting of results equivalent to the MS thesis, and at least one additional semester of advanced courses in statistical theory and methods.
Students in the .

Qualifications Evaluation Examination

A written qualifications evaluation examination covering material in the required courses for the PhD degree is offered each summer, in June.
All full-time PhD students are expected to sit for the examination after their first year of study, with the option to retake the exam the following year if needed.
No student is allowed to take either part o.

Teaching Practicum

All students in the PhD program must provide teaching support for a course or courses offered by the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology or related programs.
This is discussed in detail in Section 7.5.

Weekly Seminar

A fundamental component of the PhD program is attendance at the weekly Biostatistics Seminar.
All PhD students are required to attend this seminar series.
Students are also encouraged to suggest experts from the field as potential seminar speakers to the Seminar Committee.

What are the prerequisites for a biostatistical methodology seminar?

• Prerequisites:

  • TBA; permission of instructor.
    Description:This seminar will be taken by doctoral candidates after the completion of most of their coursework.
    Topics in biostatistical methodology will vary from year to year.
  • What is a biostatistics in practice project?

    All MS students must participate in the Biostatistics in Practice seminar and complete a Biostatistics in Practice project, which serves as the MS thesis.
    The BIP project consists of a comprehensive analysis of a dataset and a report of the results.
    The BIP project may be completed in any semester.


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