Biostatistics mcqs with key

  • How do I get answers to Mcq questions?

    How to ace multiple choice tests

    1Read very carefully.
    Take the time to carefully read each question and answer choice.
    2) Come up with your own answer.
    3) Look for common types of wrong answers.
    4) Eliminate answers in two rounds.
    5) Do not obsess over your choices.
    6) Manage your time.
    7) Answer every question..

  • How to make mcqs easily?

    Francis Galton is called as the 'Father of Biostatistics'..

  • The Power of Distractors A well developed MCQ not only tests students on correct answers, it puts to rest commonly chosen incorrect answers by adding them in as distractors.
    Choose your distractor options carefully.
    Be consistent in your options, make them each plausible and relevant to the subject matter being tested.
  • There are various types of variables such as dependent variable, independent variable, intervening variables, moderator variables, control variables, extraneous variables, etc.
Rating 4.8 (157) Lecture notes biostatistics mcqs with key study was conducted in america to find out the proportion of blacks and white americans in california. thisĀ 


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