Biostatistics series module

  • What are the modules of biostatistics?

    In this module, we cover three major topics of the foundation of biostatistics: 1) probability of events, 2) random variables, and 3) sampling distributions..

It is important to understand the different types of data and their mutual interconversion. Biostatistics begins with descriptive statistics that impliesĀ 
With numerical data, individual observations within a sample or population tend to cluster about a central location, with more extreme observations being lessĀ 

What are other plots used in biostatistics?

Many other plots are used in biostatistics for depicting data distributions, time trends in observations, relationships between two or more variables, exploring goodness-of-fit to hypothesized data distributions and drawing inferences by comparing data sets.
We will get introduced to select other plots in subsequent modules in this series.

When did statistical methods start in biomedical research?

Application of statistical methods in biomedical research began more than 150 years ago.
One of the early pioneers, Florence Nightingale, the icon of nursing, worked during the Crimean war of the 1850s to improve the methods of constructing mortality tables.


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