Botany hoyts

  • How many employees does Hoyts have?

    HOYTS Xtremescreen is the largest auditorium in your local HOYTS complex and boasts the biggest and loudest cinema experience on offer..

  • What is Hoyts Extreme?

    HOYTS Xtremescreen is the largest auditorium in your local HOYTS complex and boasts the biggest and loudest cinema experience on offer..

  • HOYTS Xtremescreen is the largest auditorium in your local HOYTS complex and boasts the biggest and loudest cinema experience on offer.
Welcome to HOYTS Botany Downs. Session times are updated on Wednesdays. Visit the HOYTS website for all HOYTS cinema locations along with the most up to 

How many seats does Hoyts botany have?

Please contact individual stores for more information.
Hoyts Botany consists of 8 theatres, ranging from the inspiring cinema 1 with a capacity of 491 seats, including:

  • 57 luxury leather recliners and a 23 metre wide screen
  • to cinema 8 which can seat 114 people exclusively.
  • What is Hoyt Arboretum?

    Hoyt ArboretumHoyt Arboretum covers an location of 187 acres and is situated a couple of miles away from downtown Portland.
    There are around ten,000 individual trees and shrubs in the park and more than 1,one hundred distinct species from across the globe.

    What is Hoyts?

    Let’s talk about HOYTS.
    HOYTS is a leading out-of-home entertainment company with over 110 years of experience.
    Day to day management of concessions.
    Let’s talk about HOYTS.

    Where is Hoyts Botany Downs?

    Find session times and book tickets for Hoyts Botany Downs, Auckland.
    Botany's eight screen multiplex, featuring a giant Xtremescreen and two Lux luxury theatres.


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