Basal placentation botany examples

  • What are the characteristics of basal placentation?

    Reason: Basal placentation where one or few ovules develop at the base of a simple or compound ovary.
    The pistil can be monocarpellary or syncarpous.
    The ovary is unilocular.
    It bears a single placenta at the base with generally a single ovule, e.g., sunflower, marigold, ranunculus..

  • What flower has basal placentation?

    The placenta in basal placentation develops at the base of the ovary, a single ovule gets attached to it.
    This type of placentation can be seen in marigolds and sunflowers..

  • What is an example of a basal placentation?

    In the case of basal placentation, as the name suggests, the ovules are attached to the base of the ovary.
    Basal placentation takes place in marigold, sunflower etc..

  • What is basal placentation in botany?

    The arrangement of the ovule within the ovary is called placentation.
    Basal Placentation.
    The placenta in basal placentation develops at the base of the ovary, a single ovule gets attached to it.
    This type of placentation can be seen in marigolds and sunflowers..

  • What is basal placentation of the ovary?

    Complete answer:
    Placentation occurs when the male and female gametes fuse to give zygote equivalent structure.
    This can take place at any place of the ovary.
    So when the placentation takes place at the base of the ovary and a single ovule is seen attached to it.
    This is called unilocular and basal placentation..

  • Where is basal placentation found?

    Basal placentation occurs in Poaceae.
    In plant species, placentation develops where the ovules are connected to the inside of the ovary.
    The ovules inside the ovary of the flower are attached to the ovary by funiculi, which is similar to the umbilical cord of the plant..

  • Which fruit has basal placentation?

    A familiar example of basal placentation is the sunflower, in which each seed is attached to the base of the ovary by its own placenta.
    In basal placentation, a single ovule attaches at the base of the ovary.Jul 11, 2022.

  • Which plant has basal placentation?

    Basal placentation can be found in the Asteraceae family.
    This is one of the largest and most widely distributed family of plant species.
    Flowers belong to this family which includes marigold and sunflower, and both undergo simple placenta..

  • Why basal placentation is most advanced?

    The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is called as placentation.
    The most advanced placentation in plants is Basal placentation.
    In this type of placentation, the placenta develops from the base of the ovary and a single ovule is attached to the base..

  • For example, sunflowers, rice, wheat, etc. have basal placentation.
    In this type of placentation, the ovules are borne at the apex of the ovary.
    It is the type of placentation in which the gynoecium is formed by the fusion of two or more carpels by their adjacent margins.
  • Parietal placentation is an arrangement in which ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary.
    An example of parietal placentation is the family Brassicaceae ie., Brassica campestris.
  • Parietal placentation is present in Argemone and Mustard.
    Marigold has basal placentation.
  • Parietal Placentation: This type of placentation is found in radish and papaya.
    The ovary only has a single chamber.
    The development of a longitudinal placenta occurs along the walls of a syncarpous pistil.
  • Reason: Basal placentation where one or few ovules develop at the base of a simple or compound ovary.
    The pistil can be monocarpellary or syncarpous.
    The ovary is unilocular.
    It bears a single placenta at the base with generally a single ovule, e.g., sunflower, marigold, ranunculus.
Basal and Superficial Placentation A single ovule is attached at the base of the ovary through a funiculus. A familiar example of basal placentation is the sunflower, in which each seed is attached to the base of the ovary by its own placenta. In basal placentation, a single ovule attaches at the base of the ovary.
In the case of basal placentation, as the name suggests, the ovules are attached to the base of the ovary. Basal placentation takes place in marigold, sunflower etc.
Basal placentation botany examples
Basal placentation botany examples

Formation and structure of the placenta

Placentation refers to the formation, type and structure, or arrangement of the placenta.
The function of placentation is to transfer nutrients, respiratory gases, and water from maternal tissue to a growing embryo, and in some instances to remove waste from the embryo.
Placentation is best known in live-bearing mammals (theria), but also occurs in some fish, reptiles, amphibians, a diversity of invertebrates, and flowering plants.
In vertebrates, placentas have evolved more than 100 times independently, with the majority of these instances occurring in squamate reptiles.


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