Why botany is interesting

  • What is exciting about botany?

    Why Study Botany? Because plants are so diverse, botanists--who are scientists that study plants--share a common interest in and curiosity about the hundreds of thousands of species of plants on earth..

  • Why is botany interesting?

    Botanists study a wide range of topics, such as the biochemistry of plant metabolism, the genetics of plant development, and the ecology of plant communities.
    They also study the economic importance of plants, such as their uses as food, medicine, and materials.Jun 29, 2018.

  • Botany includes a variety of career paths because of its interdisciplinary nature – including systematics, conservation, ecological concerns and work in pollination.
A degree in botany can be interesting to anyone who is curious about plants. Studying botany is a great way to study new medicines or cellular and molecular plant processes. If you want to work in a forest, a farm or the healthcare industry, a degree in botany may be the right fit for you.
Why botany is interesting
Why botany is interesting

2006 book by Michael Shermer

Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design is a 2006 book by Michael Shermer, an author, publisher, and historian of science.
Shermer examines the theory of evolution and the arguments presented against it.
He demonstrates that the theory is very robust and is based on a convergence of evidence from a number of different branches of science.
The attacks against it are, for the most part, very simplistic and easily demolished.
He discusses how evolution and other branches of science can coexist with religious beliefs.
He describes how he and Darwin both started out as creationists and how their thinking changed over time.
He examines current attitudes towards evolution and science in general.
He finds that in many cases the problem people have is not with the facts about evolution but with their ideas of what it implies.


Why botany bay
Why botany is important in agriculture
Why botany is good
What are the benefits of studying botany
Botany how to pronounce
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