Botany bay where to eat

  • Is Botany Bay still open?

    Sorry we're now closed but don't worry it's not goodbye Botany Bay is closing for refurbishment and redevelopment and we're really excited about what's coming..

  • Why did they call it Botany Bay?

    The bay was the site in 1770 of Captain James Cook's first landing in Australia.
    He named it Stingray Harbour but later changed the name because of the variety of new plants found there by his expedition's naturalist, Joseph (later Sir Joseph) Banks..

Restaurants near Botany BayThe Botany Bay Hotel RestaurantCaptain DigbyCoffee CornerWheatsheaf, Hungry HorsePalm Bay Fish BarPlease Sir !


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When did botany begin
How to learn botany at home
Difference between botanical garden and herbarium
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Botany is derived from
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