About botany ecology

  • Branches of botany

    Botanists study the effects of different types of pollution on plants.
    They use their results to advise lawmakers on legislation for environmental protection and on ways to save priceless natural areas..

  • Branches of botany

    Plant ecology is a subdiscipline of ecology that studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance of plants, and the interactions among plants and between plants and other organisms..

  • Plant ecology topics

    Biosphere: The biosphere is planet Earth, viewed as an ecological system.
    Ecologists working at the biosphere level may study global patterns—for example, climate or species distribution—interactions among ecosystems, and phenomena that affect the entire globe, such as climate change..

  • Plant ecology topics

    Botany is the scientific study of plants—how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved..

  • What is the concept of ecology in botany?

    Ecology is the study of organisms, the environment and how the organisms interact with each other and their environment.
    It is studied at various levels, such as organism, population, community, biosphere and ecosystem..

Botanists and plant ecologists are needed to save our planet! There is amazing power in these unique organisms, and our world could not exist without them! From 
Plant ecology is a subdiscipline of ecology that studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance of plants, and the interactions among plants and between plants and other organisms.
Plant ecology is a subdiscipline of ecology that studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance  HistoryDistributionBiological interactionsOther topics
About botany ecology
About botany ecology

The study of effect of the environment on the abundance and distribution of plants

Plant ecology is a subdiscipline of ecology that studies the distribution and abundance of plants, the effects of environmental factors upon the abundance of plants, and the interactions among plants and between plants and other organisms.
Examples of these are the distribution of temperate deciduous forests in North America, the effects of drought or flooding upon plant survival, and competition among desert plants for water, or effects of herds of grazing animals upon the composition of grasslands.

Academic journal

Plant Ecology is a scientific journal on plant ecology, formerly known as Vegetatio, a journal whose editors resigned in protest of high pricing.
The journal publishes original scientific papers on the ecology of vascular plants and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The editor-in-chief is Neal J.
Plant Ecology and Evolution is a triannual peer-reviewed open access

Plant Ecology and Evolution is a triannual peer-reviewed open access

Academic journal

Plant Ecology and Evolution is a triannual peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering ecology, phylogenetics, and systematics of plants, including related fields such as comparative and developmental morphology, conservation biology, evolution, phytogeography, reproductive biology, population genetics, and vegetation studies.
Although the geographic scope is global, it particularly publishes about botany in (sub)tropical Africa.


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