Botany downs postcode

  • What area is Botany Downs in?

    Botany Downs (221974) District 9920..

  • What is botany postcode?

    2019Botany / Postal code.

  • What is botany postcode?

    Botany Downs is an eastern suburb of the city of Auckland, New Zealand.
    This residential area previously formed part of the East Tāmaki area.
    In terms of local-body administration, the suburb lies in the Howick ward, one of the thirteen administrative divisions of the Auckland Council..

  • What is the postcode for botany?

    1455BOTANY, NSWPost Office Boxes2019BOTANY, NSWDelivery Area2036PORT BOTANY, NSWDelivery Area.

The fourth digit represents the specific box lobby, delivery round or urban area. Learn more about how NZ postcodes work. For example, in the postcode 7201, the 
Botany downs postcode
Botany downs postcode

Suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Carrum Downs is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 36 km south-east of Melbourne's Central Business District, located within the City of Frankston local government area.
Carrum Downs recorded a population of 21,976 at the 2021 census.


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