Botany tax

  • What is nomenclature in botany?

    Botanical nomenclature is the formal, scientific naming of plants.
    It is related to, but distinct from taxonomy.
    Plant taxonomy is concerned with grouping and classifying plants; botanical nomenclature then provides names for the results of this process..

  • What is the new name for ICBN?

    Algae, Fungi and Plants – International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN), which in July 2011 replaced the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) and the earlier International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature.
    Animals – International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).

  • Why is ICBN changed to ICN?

    Reflecting the view, particularly amongst mycologists, that the word “Botanical” was misleading and could imply that the Code covered only green plants and excluded fungi and diverse algal lineages, it was agreed that the name be changed from International Code of Botanical Nomenclature to International Code of .

  • The acronym ICBN stands for International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
    ICBN is a set of rules and recommendations that govern the formal botanical names given to plants.
    It is now known as previously known as the International Code of Nomenclature ICN for algae, fungi, and plants.
This is the story of how my gardening hobby turned into an avocation and led me to work with some of the premier botanists in the world. It is 

How much does it cost to become a botanist?

You would certainly need a bachelor’s degree in botany or biology, in order to become a botanist.
A year in a university can cost you anywhere between $8.000 and $45.000 (and more); the cost depends on a variety of factors (the books, supplies, and accommodation expenses are not included).

What is botanical taxonomy?

Botanical taxonomy delimits groups of plants and describes and names taxa based on these groups to identify other members of the same taxa.
The circumscription of taxa is directed by the principles of classification, and the name assigned is governed by a code of nomenclature.

What is the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT)?

The American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT) is a community of scientists that promotes research and education in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of all plants.


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