Iris botany

  • How are irises pollinated?

    Hymenopteran bees are considered the principal pollinating agents of Iris species..

  • How does iris reproduce?

    Most iris plants spread by means of underground stems called rhizomes.
    Rhizomes become too crowded over time, resulting in reduced flowering.
    By lifting and dividing the larger clumps, you can rejuvenate the old planting, as well as provide a source of new plants to expand your garden or share with friends..

  • How to plant iris?

    Iris should be planted so the tops of the rhizomes are exposed and the roots are spread out facing downward in the soil.
    In very light soils or in extremely hot climates, covering the rhizome with 1 inch of soil may be desirable.
    Firm the soil around each rhizome and then water to help settle the soil..

  • Iris bulbs

    The word "iris" is derived from the Greek word for "rainbow", also its goddess plus messenger of the gods in the Iliad, because of the many colours of this eye part..

  • Iris bulbs

    iris, (genus Iris), genus of about 300 species of plants in the family Iridaceae, including some of the world's most popular and varied garden flowers.
    The diversity of the genus is centred in the north temperate zone, though some of its most handsome species are native to the Mediterranean and central Asian areas.Sep 21, 2023.

  • Is iris a herb?

    Iris versicolour is a perennial herb growing from 60cm to 1 meter high.
    Large clumps are formed by the creeping rhizomes sending up erect stems.
    The basal leaves are broad, sword like and folded on the midribs so that they take on a flat fan like appearance..

  • Types of bearded iris

    Overall, the flowers of the Iris family look much like the Lilies.
    One key difference is that the leaves of the Irises all lay together at the base of the plant in a flat plane.
    Also note that the Lilies have 6 stamens, while the Irises only have 3.
    Worldwide, there are 70 genera and about 1,800 species..

  • Types of iris UK

    The word "iris" is derived from the Greek word for "rainbow", also its goddess plus messenger of the gods in the Iliad, because of the many colours of this eye part..

  • Types of iris UK

    The iris was originally cultivated in 1749 BC, after King Thutmose III conquered Syria.
    This land was covered in irises.
    The name "iris" means 'rainbow' in Greek, which is fitting for a flower that comes in so many colours Irises were said to represent the messenger of the gods in Greek Mythology, Iris..

  • What are irises known for?

    4 Fun Facts About Irises That Will Make You Love Them Even More

    Irises Have Been Important Flowers Since the Ancient Greeks.Irises Can Be Bearded Or Beardless.Parts of the Iris Have Been Used Medicinally.Each Color of Iris Means Something Different..

  • What does iris mean?

    A classic name, Iris comes directly from the Greek word Iris, which means "rainbow." Iris was the name of the goddess of the rainbow, according to Greek Mythology, and was said to deliver messages to the Gods across a rainbow bridge..

  • What does the iris plant symbolize?

    The most common meanings include hope, wisdom, trust and valour, making it a great flower to have around the house.
    The iris has also been known to mean nobility as it's been long associated with royalty all throughout history - especially in France and Italy..

  • What is so special about iris?

    Irises Have Been Important Flowers Since the Ancient Greeks.
    A lot of the iris's long history traces back to the Greeks.
    Its name comes from the Greek word for rainbow and messenger.
    It's believed that these flowers were named because their blooms come in so many colors of the rainbow..

  • What is special about iris?

    Irises are a symbol of enduring faith and hope.
    While their blooms wither when cold weather arrives, shoots and colorful flowers reemerge each spring..

  • What is the botany of iris flower?

    IRIS, in botany.
    The iris flower belongs to the natural order Iridaceae of the class Monocotyledons, which is characterized by a petaloid six-parted perianth, an inferior ovary and only three stamens (the outer series), being thus distinguished from the Amaryllidaceae family, which has six stamens..

  • Where are iris seeds located?

    The bulbs that have formed on the iris flower stalks are seed pods.
    The pods are often mistaken for new flower buds and are left to grow and develop, which takes extra energy from the plant..

  • Where is the best place to plant irises?

    Where to Plant.
    Iris need at least a half day of sun.
    In extremely hot climates some shade is beneficial, but in most climates Iris do best in full sun.
    Be sure to provide your Iris with good drainage, planting either on a slope or in raised beds..

Iris is a flowering plant genus of 310 accepted species with showy flowers. As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name  DescriptionTaxonomyCultivationUses
iris, (genus Iris), genus of about 300 species of plants in the family Iridaceae, including some of the world's most popular and varied garden flowers. The diversity of the genus is centred in the north temperate zone, though some of its most handsome species are native to the Mediterranean and central Asian areas.
IRIS, in botany. The iris flower belongs to the natural order Iridaceae of the class Monocotyledons, which is characterized by a petaloid six-parted perianth, an inferior ovary and only three stamens (the outer series), being thus distinguished from the Amaryllidaceae family, which has six stamens.
IRIS, in botany. The iris flower belongs to the natural order Iridaceae of the class Monocotyledons, which is characterized by a petaloid six-parted perianth, an inferior ovary and only three stamens (the outer series), being thus distinguished from the Amaryllidaceae family, which has six stamens.

How many types of Iris are there?

Iris, genus of about 300 species of plants in the family Iridaceae, including:

  • some of the world’s most popular and varied garden flowers.
    The diversity of the genus is centered in the north temperate zone.
    Learn about the physical characteristics and some of the major species of iris.
  • Is Iris a lily?

    It is a popular garden flower.
    The often-segregated, monotypic genera Belamcanda (blackberry lily, I. domestica ), Hermodactylus (snake's head iris, I. tuberosa ), and Pardanthopsis (vesper iris, I. dichotoma) are currently included in Iris .

    What is the scientific name for Iris?

    As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name for all Iris species, as well as some belonging to other closely related genera.
    A common name for some species is flags, while the plants of the subgenus Scorpiris are widely known as junos, particularly in horticulture.
    It is a popular garden flower.

    Why do iris flowers have a specialized flower?

    The competition for pollinators is intense evolving in a habitat where numerous other species of flowering plants are blooming at the same time.
    Irises have developed a highly specialized flower.
    The blossoms are very large and colorful.
    Figure 1.
    The parts of an iris flower.
    Image by Jim Conrad, Backyard Nature.

    Iris botany
    Iris botany

    Species of plant

    Iris × germanica is the accepted name for a species of flowering plants in the family Iridaceae commonly known as the bearded iris or the German bearded iris.
    It is one of a group of hybrid origin.
    Varieties include I. × g. var. florentina.
    Iris is a flowering plant genus of 310 accepted

    Iris is a flowering plant genus of 310 accepted

    Genus of flowering plants in the family Iridaceae

    Iris is a flowering plant genus of 310 accepted species with showy flowers.
    As well as being the scientific name, iris is also widely used as a common name for all Iris species, as well as some belonging to other closely related genera.
    A common name for some species is flags, while the plants of the subgenus Scorpiris are widely known as junos, particularly in horticulture.
    It is a popular garden flower.
    The identity of the plant first described by

    The identity of the plant first described by

    Variety of plant

    The identity of the plant first described by Carl Linnaeus as Iris florentina remains unclear, as of December 2021.
    In horticulture, it has been treated as a white-flowered variant of Iris × germanica, under names such as Iris germanica nothovar. florentina, Iris × germanica var. florentina and Iris × germanica 'Florentina'. Iris florentina has also been treated as the correct name for the true species also known as Iris albicans Lange.
    Iris fulva

    Iris fulva

    Species of flowering plant

    Iris fulva, also known as copper iris, is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus Limniris and in the series Hexagonae.
    It is a rhizomatous perennial, endemic to the southern and central United States.
    It has copper-red to deep red flowers and bright green leaves.
    Iris pumila

    Iris pumila

    Species of flowering plant

    Iris pumila, sometimes known as pygmy iris or dwarf iris, probably originated as a natural hybrid between Iris pseudopumila Boissier & Heldreich and I. attica Tineo.
    It ranges from Austria through eastern Europe and the Balkans, in Eurasian steppe in Ukraine, southern Russia into southern Siberia and northern Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus into Turkey.
    Iris sibirica

    Iris sibirica

    Species of plant

    Iris sibirica, commonly known as Siberian iris or Siberian flag, is a species of flowering plant in the family Iridaceae.
    It is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, from Europe and Central Asia.
    It has long green grass-like leaves, tall stem, 2–5 violet-blue, to blue, and occasionally white flowers.
    It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions.
    Iris variegata

    Iris variegata

    Species of flowering plant

    Iris variegata, commonly known as the Hungarian iris, is a plant species in the genus Iris, also in the subgenus Iris.
    It is a rhizomatous perennial from eastern Europe.
    It has dark green, ribbed leaves.
    The branched flowering stems can be as tall as the leaves, they can hold 2–3 flowers in summer.
    They are yellowish-white, with brown-purple veins on the drooping falls.
    It is very hardy and it is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate regions.
    There are several cultivars.


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