Botany oblique

  • How is oblique leaf shape Characterised?

    Oblique Type: The lamina of this leaf has unequal halves.
    Cuneate Type: They are wedge-shaped..

  • What is an oblique leaf shape characterized by?

    An oblique four sided shape, broadest about the middle, with approximately equal sides and lateral obtuse angles..

  • What is oblique in botany?

    oblique, “neither perpendicular nor parallel: having a slanting direction or position, inclined” (WIII); “unequal-sided; also slanting” (Lindley); in botany, unequal-sided; said of a leaf when it is unequally developed on the two sides of the midrib, as in an oblique apex or base of a leaf; deviating from a direct line .

  • What is the meaning of oblique in a sentence?

    oblique adjective (ANGLE)
    having a sloping direction, angle, or position: Through the window came the last few oblique rays of evening sunshine.
    He gave her an oblique glance. mathematics specialized. (of an angle) either more or less than 90\xb0.

  • What is the meaning of the word obliques?

    : having a slanting direction or position : neither perpendicular nor parallel.
    2: having the axis not perpendicular to the base. an oblique cone..

  • What is the shape of an oblique leaf?

    Oblique – Base has one side lower than the other.
    Rounded – Circular with no point.
    Sagittate – Lower lobes of leaf are folded or pointed down, like an arrowhead.
    Truncate – Leaf base is roughly squared, perpendicular to the petiole..

  • What plants have an oblique leaf base?

    Unequal leaf bases, slanting, one side larger, wider or rounder than the other.
    American Elm and Common Hackberry are both common images that come to mind with an oblique leaf base..

  • Anther-The pollen sac on a male flower.
    Apex-The tip of a shoot or root.
    Apical dominance-The tendency of an apical bud to produce hormones that suppress growth of buds below it on the stem.
    Axil-The location where a leaf joins a stem.
  • Attenuate refers to the shape of a valve apex that is gradually tapered to a slender point.
  • Near to the place of attachment.
    Opposite of distal.
  • repens,-entis (part.
    B): repent, creeping, prostrate and rooting; “creeping; lying flat upon the ground and emitting roots at the same time” (Lindley); “creeping; prostrate and rooting at the nodes” (Fernald 1950) [\x26gt; L.
  • Wedge-shaped; referring to the base of a leaf blade of which the angle formed by the meeting of the margins is less than 90\xb0.
Leaf Bases: Oblique Click on the image for a larger view of the photo. Click on the name for detailed information on the plant. Enlarge Photo
oblique, “neither perpendicular nor parallel: having a slanting direction or position, inclined” (WIII); “unequal-sided; also slanting” (Lindley); in botany, unequal-sided; said of a leaf when it is unequally developed on the two sides of the midrib, as in an oblique apex or base of a leaf; deviating from a direct line
oblique, “neither perpendicular nor parallel: having a slanting direction or position, inclined” (WIII); “unequal-sided; also slanting” (Lindley); in botany, unequal-sided; said of a leaf when it is unequally developed on the two sides of the midrib, as in an oblique apex or base of a leaf; deviating from a direct line

A ring of specialized cells on the sporangium

An annulus in botany is an arc or a ring of specialized cells on the sporangium.
These cells are arranged in a single row, and are associated with the release or dispersal of spores.


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