What is agricultural botany

  • What does agri mean in biology?

    Agriculture is the art or science of growing food and cash crops for the consumption of human beings.
    In Latin, 'agri' means 'field' and 'culture' means 'cultivation', and refers to the set of work performed on land to produce food and maintain livestock..

Agricultural botany is the study of the biology of plants used in farming and food production. It is an important area of research as it helps to improve crop yields and develop more sustainable methods of food production.

What is agricultural plant biology?

Agricultural Plant Biology focuses on plants used for cover-crops, food, fiber, fuel and turf.
The program has a strong research emphasis on plant responses to both abiotic and biotic stresses, reproductive biology at the level of the gene to the crop production system, and breeding for enhanced yield in a resource-limited environment.

What is the undergraduate program in Botany & Plant Pathology?

The undergraduate program in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology is designed for students who wish to emphasize studies in plant biology and receive a B.S. degree in botany.
Students may also have an undergraduate major in biology and emphasize botany courses in their upper division work.


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