Brand strategy vs brand management

  • Brand management basics

    Brand management is the vague strategy of guiding public perception of a good, product, service, or company.
    Brand management is heavily tied to creating brand equity, loyalty, and recognition.
    It is also formulated by a dedicated team, most often after the marketing team has built-out an initial marketing plan..

  • Brand management basics

    In short, your positioning strategy creates a position in the mind of your customers, one that they recognize and associate with your brand.
    Your brand is a reputation.
    Branding is about sticking out, being recognizable, and placing your brand on something (i.e., logo, colors)..

  • A brand strategy is the part of your business that identifies your voice, purpose and overall directs your business and marketing strategies.
    Branding allows your clients to understand the characteristics, values and attributes you stand for, in addition to how you compare to your competitors.

What is the difference between brand management and marketing?

Though these aspects may play a part in crafting the brand, brand management is more internally-focused on strategically devising the course of action.
Brand management is more likely to outline the strategy and internal buy-in, whereas marketing is more likely to implement the external strategy and external acceptance of the brand.


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