Brand manager l'oreal linkedin

  • What industry is Loreal in LinkedIn?

    For more than a century, L'Oréal has devoted itself solely to one business: beauty..

  • What industry is Loreal on LinkedIn?

    For more than a century, L'Oréal has devoted itself solely to one business: beauty.
    We want to bring beauty to all people..

  • Who is the marketing director of Loreal LinkedIn?

    Antônia Coury - Global Marketing Director - L'Oréal LinkedIn..

  • Antônia Coury - Global Marketing Director - L'Oréal LinkedIn.
  • For more than a century, L'Oréal has devoted itself solely to one business: beauty.
  • For more than a century, L'Oréal has devoted itself solely to one business: beauty.
    We want to bring beauty to all people.
6-month internship. Supported the brands in the development of new CRM features. Followed up the local implementation of the projects by the brands


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